Monday, October 6, 2008

Columbia to Scottsville

Sunday was one of those fall days that just have to go down in the record book as fab. 48 degrees to start, and it hit close to 80 in the afternoon. With a gentle breeze, you really couldn't get a better day. To be out on the bike... priceless.

We hooked up with a RABA ride from the desolate flood town of Columbia out to the little C'ville bedroom community of Scottsville. Scottsville has the coolest old fashioned 4th of July celebration, with bluegrass, vendors and fireworks by the levee.

You start out of Columbia by climbing a one mile hill into Cumberland. Nice. All the way out to Scottsville there were great views, great farm land and really nice people. Once in Scottsville it was obvious that the money pinch had come to roost in this little burg. Two of the restaurants we had eaten at before were closed, as was the first gas station we went to and the convenience store. We were lucky enough to find a gas station open, and then had to again climb out of the flood plain.

I would say that except for getting stung in the neck by a yellow jacket as I was screaming down one of the steep hills that this was just about the perfect ride. 63 miles, lots of hills, great roads. If you'd like a cue sheet, give me a shout and I'll email you one.

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